Everyday Carry April 2020

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Welcome to 5 minutes of my everyday carry. 

Saya pernah lihat video YouTube tentang everyday carry, tentang benda-benda apa yang selalu dibawa setiap hari. Dan kali ini, saya mau mencoba membuat itu dan memberikan review singkat dari benda-benda yang saya bawa.

Yang pertama, kunci dan gantungan kunci carabiner ala-ala.

Gantungannya beli Cibubur junction, Mr DIY kalo nggak salah. Cukup bisa memuat banyak kunci, enteng, dan nggak terlalu panjang. Harganya murah juga, nggak sampai 10 ribu.

Saya ambil dari kantong celana kiri dulu. Saya hanya menaruh barang di kantong depan, jadi kantong belakang selalu kosong. 

Di kantong kiri, ada handphone. Jelas. Ini wajib banget sekarang. Handphone jadul, iPhone 5c, beli di renanstore, pakai Renan Delivery Store. Oke barangnya, udah 3 tahun masih awet. Awal nyoba iPhone, karena penasaran kayak gimana produk Apple. Dan sekarang ngerti kualitasnya kayak gimana. Nggak ngelag selama 3 tahun penggunaan, dan untuk ukuran handphone keluaran 2013. Dan karena handphone ini, kayaknya untuk ke depan, saya bakal ke produk Apple terus.

Berikutnya, ada flashdisk. HP. 4gb. Dari zaman saya SMA, mungkin hampir 10 tahun yang lalu. Dan masih berfungsi sampai sekarang. Kecil jadi dikantongin nggak berasa. Bentuknya udah kayak gini, tapi tetap oke.

Terus ada ini, efek iseng scroll tokopedia, terus nemu kayak begini. Ini logo Batman atau kayak batarang gitu. Ini money clip, penjepit uang pake magnet. Pake contoh kertas aja kali ya. Bisa juga buat di kulkas. Ini saya make buat naruh uang kembalian, uang kecil gitu.

Sekarang ke kantong kanan, ada dompet dari Kiowa id. Saya punya masalah kalo naruh dompet dikantong belakang, kartu suka rusak, nekuk, bahkan patah. Makanya cari dompet yang ramping, muat ditaruh di kantong depan.

Ini juga ada tempat kartu yang kokoh. Terus cara masukin dan ngeluarin kartunya beda. Ngeluarinnya dengan cara kayak gini. 

Kulit sintetis. Oke sih, paling kurangnya di bagian penyimpanan uang. Modelnya begini. Nggak bisa naruh banyak uang, kalo nggak salah cuma 6-8 lembar. Kalo lebih dia bakal jadi terlalu berisi dan bisa merusak dompetnya. Makanya saya ada money clip Batman tadi. Kartu juga muat 6-8. Di dalam bagian penyimpanan kartu kayak ada busa, jadi kartu aman nggak bakal rusak, dan nggak bakal keluar sendiri.

Terakhir, ini efek dari menjadi guru sekolah alam. Di sekolah alam, identik dengan gunung, barang bekas, kemah, dan semacamnya. Saya akhirnya merasa harus punya ini.

Ini kalo di gunung ke pake buat alat potong tali rafia, dan lain-lain. Kalo di sekolah, saya make ini buat ngolah barang bekas. Kayak motong botol plastik, kardus, nanti bisa dihias. Atau bolongin Aqua gelas buat Games dan sejenisnya. Kalo sehari-hari buat buka paket. Kemarin, saya ngelepas display ruang komputer juga pake ini.

Saya beli di tokopedia. Merek kershaw, kayaknya sih kw super. 

Ini bisa dijepit di kantong, ada clip di belakangnya. Enteng, nggak menuhin kantong. Tajam juga. Kokoh. Buat motong ranting, kayu kecil bisa lah. Ini saya gunakan sangat hati-hati dan tidak untuk melukai siapapun. 

Udah, segitu aja. Barang yang selalu saya bawa. Ada yang lain, kayak earphone, speaker Bluetooth, sama charger. Tapi itu semua saya taruh tas, bukan dibawa dalam kantong. Itu juga kayaknya nggak perlu di review. 

Semoga bermanfaat.

Sekian dari saya, wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Welcome to 5 minutes of my everyday carry.

I've seen YouTube videos about everyday carry, about what objects are always carried every day. And this time, I want to try to make it and give a brief review of the things I brought.

First, keys and carabiner key ring.

I bought it in Cibubur junction, Mr. DIY if I'm not mistaken. Enough to load a lot of keys, lightly, and not too long. The price is cheap too, not up to 10 thousand.

I take it from the left pants pocket first. I only put things in the front pocket, so the back pocket is always empty.

In the left pocket, there is a handphone. Clear. Old school mobile, iPhone 5c, bought it at Renanstore, use Renan Delivery Store. It still  good, it's been 3 years still durable. This is the my first time to try the iPhone, out of curiosity like Apple products. And now I understand the quality. It didn't lag for 3 years of use, and for the size of the 2013 mobile phone output. And because of this cellphone, I think it's going to go forward, I'm going to keep going to Apple products.

Next, there is a flashdisk. HP 4gb. From my time in high school, maybe almost 10 years ago. And it still works today. Small bagged so tasteless. The shape is already like this, but it's still okay.

Then there is this, the fun effect of scrolling tokopedia, keep on finding it like this. This is the Batman logo or something like Batarang. This is a money clip, a money clip with a magnet.

Now to the right pocket, there is a wallet from Kiowa ID. I have a problem if I put my wallet in the back pocket, the card likes to be damaged, dented, even broken. So look for a slim wallet, fit placed in the front pocket.

This also has a sturdy card holder. 

Synthetic skin. Can't put a lot of money, if I'm not mistaken it's only 6-8 sheets. If more, he will become too contained and can damage his wallet. That's why I have a Batman money clip. The cards also fit 6-8. Inside the card storage section there is foam, so the safe card will not be damaged, and will not come out on its own.

Finally, this is the effect of being a natural school teacher. In natural schools, synonymous with mountains, used goods, camps, and the like. I finally felt I had to have this.

This is in the mountains to use for raffia cutting tools, and others. When I was at school, I used this to make used goods. Like cutting a plastic bottle, cardboard, can later be decorated. Or blow a glass for Aqua Games and the like. If everyday, open the package. Yesterday, I removed the computer room display using this too.

I bought it at Tokopedia. Kershaw, I think it's kw super. 

This can be clamped in the pocket, there is a clip behind it. Easily, don't fill too much in the pocket. Sharp too. Sturdy. For cutting branches, small wood can. I use this very carefully and not to hurt anyone.

I think that's all. Items that I always carry. There are others, like earphones, Bluetooth speakers, and chargers. But that's all I put a bag, not carried in a bag. That also doesn't need to be reviewed.

May be useful.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

- short description about the writer -
Guru Bahasa Inggris & Komputer | Movienthusiast
Follow my blog: aldypradana.com

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